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Opportunities are what set our school apart. We actively seek ways to either bring experiences to our school, or to take our students to experience things outside of our school and community.
We look to widen our students horizons and have them think more deeply about all of the possibilities that exist for them as careers and lifestyles.

Te Kāhui Tamariki
Te Kāhui Tamariki - the gathering of children of ngā hau e whā, has been operating from 1980 and is Aotearoa’s longest running Māori Bilingual Unit. The foundation of the Unit is built on Tuakiritanga, identity, language and culture, learning in and through te ao Māori.
Originally opened at Wainuiomata Intermediate on the old Moohan street site, it was relocated to the current Parkway site during the merger of Wainuiomata schools in 2001. Te Kāhui Tamariki is an identifiable Māori space that enables and empowers our rangatahi to be comfortable in their own skin, achieving to their full potential without letting go of who they are or who they represent.
As a school we strive to:
● Support the growth and development of Te Reo Māori across a variety of levels and needs.
● Whakamana our rangatahi and their whānau by acknowledging and celebrating the gifts they bring
with them.
● Provide an environment where our ethnic identity is valued and seen so that our rangatahi can
confidently walk in te ao Māori.
● Deliver a rich engaging programme, providing opportunities for our rangatahi to thrive in all aspects
of learning.
Whānau need to submit this application form for consideration to be in Te Kāhui Tamariki. Due to high demand, an interview may be required. These interviews will occur in November - December, and all applicants will be notified early January. Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
While most of our rangatahi in Te Kāhui Tamariki are from our contributing English medium schools in Wainuiomata, preference will be given to new enrolments who are transitioning straight from Kura Kaupapa and Māori immersion Units, or those with Māori as a first language.
Participation in school Kapa Haka and performances, community service and upholding kaupapa Māori are mandatory. Whānau will keep in regular contact with kaiako, attending hui and learning conferences to ensure all needs are met.
Choosing to be part of Te Kāhui Tamariki means that rangatahi and their whānau accept the kaupapa of the Unit, and in turn, support the kaiako and kaimahi within.
If you wish to enroll your child in Te Kāhui Tamariki, please complete the application form and return it to the Wainuiomata Intermediate School Office along with the School Enrolment Form.
Tamaiti o le Pasifika
Tamaiti o le Pasifika is how Wainuiomata Intermediate has committed to delivering “Pasifika success as Pasifika” enabling learning in, and through, a Pasifika lens, strengthening culture, mana and identity.
Aiga must submit an application form if they want this option for their children. Both Aiga and tamaiti must commit to the goals of Tamaiti o le Pasifika and work hard to achieve them.
The Pasifika class will participate in all school activities while also focusing on valuing and reflecting Pasifika cultures in the curriculum.
At Wainuiomata Intermediate the term 'Pasifika' refers to students and families from the Pacific Islands or those who identify with Pacific Island ancestry or heritage. This year Pasifika students make up about 20% of our student population.
Pasifika students often balance different worldviews at home and school, which can impact their learning and confidence. To address this, we aim to build strong and positive relationships with Pasifika parents, encouraging them to engage with the school and share their goals. We want our students to feel comfortable being their true selves at school, without leaving any part of their identity behind.
This class will focus on culture and identity rather than language. This approach accommodates the diverse cultures in the class and includes students who identify with a heritage but are not fluent in its language.
Tamaiti o le Pasifika aims for Pasifika success as Pasifika by:
● Partnering with aiga through regular meetings and learning conferences to support students' learning and progress.
● Preparing students to succeed as Pasifika with a strong foundation of self-knowledge and pride, affirming their identity, and extending their cultural knowledge.
Our programme was affirmed this year by Dr. Melanie Anae (Polynesian Panthers Legacy Trust) who said:
“We were brought up in an education system that was assimilationist and there was only the Euro-centric Disney version of our history- an entire universe - and then some - away from the culture of confidence, celebration and valuing of our own mana, culture and identity we experienced there (at WIS). Tigilau, Alec and myself have come away with enduring, powerfully inspiring memories of our time with you”.
Choosing to join Tamaiti o le Pasifika means students and their aiga agree to uphold the program's aims and support the kaiako and staff.
Participation in the school's Pasifika group and helping with ‘Pacific Language Weeks’ is mandatory. Serving our Pasifika community, both in and outside school, is a key part of this class.
Fānau must submit an application form for consideration.

One of the advantages of an Intermediate school is our ability to provide expert tuition in specialist subjects.
As well as Music and Arts taught by practicing artists, we have variations on the traditional technology subjects of Cooking, Performing Arts and Hard Materials.
We offer stop motion animation, robotics, coding and more in ICT, and STEAM extension classes.
We have expert coaches come in to take sessions with athletes across a range of sports.
We will continue to add to this as we look to push our students toward finding their passion and pursuing it to achieve personal excellence.